Interested in herbal product formulation & development or other guidance with functional phytochemistry & dietary supplements ?

Reach out here for information on our consulting & coaching services. We'll get back to you right away to schedule a call!

Envisioning a product? We offer a comprehensive, creative approach to formulating, developing, reviewing & evaluating all sorts of herbal products & dietary supplements. Let us help bring your next great idea to life!

Lisa's meticulous approach to the art of Action Formulation includes complete charting of primary & supporting actions & energetics for all ingredients, detailed constituent profiles, solubility & extraction concerns, safety & contraindication considerations, synergies, bioenhancers & corrigents, organoleptics / flavor evaluation & quality review of candidate extracts & ingredients. She blends traditional wisdom with current scientific insight to co-create balanced botanical formulas that are innovative, effective, and safe. Together, we can transform your vision into a truly unique product that absolutely shines with vibrant quality and captivates the market!