Menstruum Math Calculator for Tincturing

This handy Calculator helps you make any menstruum for use with any tincturing process.

Your Menstruum Math Calculator bundle includes:

  • Live Excel calculator to download & keep
  • Video tour of the calculator & detailed how-to instructions
  • 9-page handout to guide you through and explain menstruum math calculations
  • Worksheet to download & copy: dried herb menstruum
  • Worksheet to download & copy: fresh herb menstruum

With these tools you'll be able to:

  • Make an accurate menstruum using the methods of 1800s botanical pharmacists
  • Calculate extraction ratios for any amount of herb and tincture
  • Make an accurate menstruum for dried herbs
  • Make a fresh herb menstruum that accounts for the water content of the herbs
  • Dilute any higher EtOH % menstruum to make any lower EtOH % menstruum
  • Concentrate a menstruum by adding the right amount of 95% EtOH
  • Mix two menstrua together to create a menstruum with an EtOH % between the two
  • Create consistent tinctures with accurately calculated EtOH %
  • Save time and money by repurposing left over menstrua

$57.00 USD